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  • Before and After TT
  • Bony Improvement - Before and After - Mod-Quad and TT

Brachial Plexus and erbs palsy - Baby Range of motion - Shoulder Flexion

Infant is lying on his/her back. Stabilize shoulder with one hand and wrist with the other. Lift the arm up to the level of the shoulder, thumb leading, elbow straight.

Brachial Plexus and erbs palsy - Baby Range of motion - Shoulder Abduction

Stabilize shoulder with one hand to prevent the shoulder from moving. Hold the forearm with the other hand. Lift the arm sideways, away from the body, bring it straight out to the side and then back down to the body.

Brachial Plexus and erbs palsy - Baby Range of motion - Shoulder Rotation Stabilize the front and back of the shoulder with your entire hand. Use the other hand to hold the wrist. Perform a gentle circular motion in both directions (first going up and then going down).
Brachial Plexus and erbs palsy - Baby Range of motion - Supination Stabilize the upper arm to keep it from moving. While holding the infant's hand, roll the palm up and then roll the palm down.
Brachial Plexus and erbs palsy - Baby Range of motion - Elbow Flexion Stabilize the upper arm with one hand to prevent the shoulder from moving. Hold the wrist with the other hand. Bend the elbow gently and straighten the elbow.
Brachial Plexus and erbs palsy - Baby Range of motion - Wrist Adduction Stabilize the forearm with the one hand and hold the infant's hand with your other hand. Move the wrist from side to side. For wrist flexion and extension, move the wrist up and down.
Brachial Plexus and erbs palsy - Baby Range of motion - Finger Flexion

Stabilize the wrist with one hand and hold the infant's fingers with your other hand. Bend the fingers, then straighten the fingers. Please ask your therapist to teach you how to to an intrinsic stretch and how to range the thumb, if needed.

Brachial Plexus and erbs palsy - Baby Range of motion - Finger Adduction

Hold the child's wrist straight with palm open and hold the fingers straight. Spread the fingers apart gently, then bring them back together.


  • Do range of motion exercises very gently. Positioning can vary based on your baby's comfort level (on back, sidelying, sitting up, with a "Boppy").
  • Stabilize the infant's joint with one hand while performing the exercise with your other hand.
  • Closely watch the infant's face for signs of pain or discomfort, Stop and allow the infant to calm, then restart the exercises in a different position.
  • Do each motion 10 to 15 times and only until mild resistance is felt. Hold there for 30 seconds.
  • Do not bounce into the stretch.
  • Implement these exercises with your daily routine (diaper changing, feeding, bathing).
  • Demonstrate your range of motion technique to your therapist once a month or sooner if the infant is showing signs of discomfort or distress.
  • Be creative - use music, toys & props - have fun!

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For therapists,doctors
and other health care
providers who wish to
reffer patients for
evaluation and/or treatment.


Brachial Plexus Art

A Gallery of images
showing the human side
of the injury, and
giving sense of hope
for the future.


Association of BPI Therapists

The Association of
Brachial Plexus Therapists
would like to provide
a means for therapists..
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