Dr. Nath Announcement

Dear Friends, Families and Colleagues,

As  of July 1, 2004, I will no longer be associated with the Brachial Plexus Clinic at Texas Children's Hospital. It is with sadness that I close this chapter.  However, change is sometimes necessary and good. I have had a very fulfilling experience not only in the work that I did at the TCH clinic but in the personal relationships formed with members of the clinic.

I will be the director of a newly formed brachial plexus institute in Houston, in which the best elements of my current practice will be incorporated with new and innovative technologies to further improve patient outcomes.

The underlying principles of my practice and my interaction with patients and their families will remain unchanged: I will strive to be available, open, and honest at all times. I will treat you and your family as if they were my family. I will never give up trying to achieve your goals for increased function and quality of life.

I feel strongly that the present state of the art in brachial plexus injury management can be improved dramatically in the very near future , and I plan to be at the forefront of that change.   I want people who suffer from this injury to understand that they have a right to hope for freedom from their constraints and their pain; to have a vision of a return to fluid movement and delicate touch.

As we go forward, I would offer a message of hope to all those who are
affected by brachial plexus injuries, because of the tools we have at hand and close to hand. Research and education will make this a curable problem and we must work toward that goal.

That is my goal, and I hope you will join me as we travel there.

Rahul Nath